facebook messenger pc download

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Facebook Messenger is a free communication app that lets you communicate with many people. You can use voice calls, video calls, unlimited SMS and group video calls along with basic message sending and receiving functions, including Facebook and Instagram. Meet various features such as message disappearing mode, privacy settings, theme selection, and more.

Facebook Instagram Messenger Basic Information

System requirements and specifications

facebook messenger
facebook messenger
ListMore information
developerFacebook Corp.
operating systemWindows / iOS / MacOS / Android
fileMessenger.97.11.exe / 101.5MB
update2021/10/08 Ver97.11.116
Specification information

Facebook Messenger is a service that can be run not only on Windows, but also on iOS and Android. You can also use SMS and free audio and video calls in sync on Instagram, Portal, Oculus, and more, so you can chat with your friends on any platform.

service image

messenger video call
messenger video call
messenger message
messenger message
messenger profile
messenger profile

Features and Details

We’re trying to provide an experience that goes beyond the LINE Messenger app. Enjoy free conversations, voice calls, and video calls, and enjoy not only 1:1 conversations but also open chats. Add personality to your conversations with stickers, GIFs and emojis, and even add effects and filters to your video calls. You can also send files, photos, and videos, and share any number of data.

Installation method and usage

After installation, you can use it like a normal messenger. In addition to the basic messenger function, you can use various additional functions, such as setting a chat theme, watching together function, grouping into a video chat meeting, setting dark mode, and having business chat. In addition, with cross-app messaging and calling functions, Instagram users can enjoy chatting comfortably.


How to check facebook messenger blocked

If you block Facebook messages, the other person will no longer be able to contact you in chat. You’ll also be notified before joining the conversation if someone is blocked in a group chat. If you search for someone’s name in the search bar, you can check that they do not appear on your profile.

how to disable facebook messenger

To deactivate Messenger, you must deactivate your Facebook account. To deactivate your Facebook account, select your profile picture > Legal Notices & Policies > Deactivate Messenger.

Can I use Facebook Messenger as a PC?

The Facebook desktop app is out. As with mobile, various functions such as SMS and video calls are all available.


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