Download the TalkOn PC App

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This is a service to enjoy voice chat provided by Nate On. It is a voice conversation service that can be used anytime with just an ID. Whether you want to play online games or chat directly with a group of people, talk-on lets you meet your friends with clear, noise-free sound quality.

Talk-on basic information

System requirements and specifications

talk on
talk on
ListMore information
operating systemWindows
fileTalkOn_Setup.exe / 33.5MB
update2021/10/08 Ver15.21
Specification information

Talk On provides a service that allows up to 50 people to participate simultaneously when playing online games. With voice chatting, you can not only meet up with clubs, but also exchange text messages or chat directly when studying languages. There are also PC-only social networks WeChat and Telegram.

service image

talk-on voice
talk-on voice
Talk On Study
Talk On Study
talk on chat
talk on chat

Features and Details

NateOn TalkOn is limited to 30 people in a high-quality room and 50 people in a general room. Because there is no noise and there is no echo, you can meet clean quality without noise.

Installation method and usage

When you create a chat room, a unique chat room address is created, and if you copy the address, you can access it through a link on the website. Also, when running on NateOn, you can connect with TalkOn, and you can run it through Start Menu > Programs or desktop icon.


Also, when running on NateOn, you can connect with TalkOn, and you can run it through Start Menu > Programs or desktop icon. Can not be done?

TalkOn is a program that can be used on NateOn’s PC and cannot be used on mobile devices. It is not available on Android or iOS.

Can I use TalkOn Mac iPhone?

Talk On service is not provided directly on Mac.

What if you recommend an app like Talk On?

You can use Discord for voice conversations such as talk-on. Unlike Talk On, it can be used as an app, so many people are using it.


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